Posts Tagged ‘AMG Rail Jam’

Shred the Naw

February 23, 2010

***All new posts will be under this one til March 20th***

*** Update *** Here is a picture of the setup!

I’m going to shred the Naw, come watch us on March 20th!

From ALWAKE.COM and have teamed up with the Alabama Mountain Games and Shred Ready Helmets to bring you the AMG Rail Jam. The Alabama Mountain Games (previously Nawfest) has been a staple in the Kayaking scene for several years with 400-600 people showing up each year to enjoy the rad bands and cold adult beverages. The festivities actually begin on Thursday and go through Sunday but we’ll be doing our thing Saturday around 12:00.

The setup is on the Locus Fork river that runs behind a place called Boogie Bottoms. Bands will be jamming all day, concessions, movies (Wake and others) will be played at the onsite Drive-in screen, and all the “beverages” you can drink (as well as BYOB). We’ll be camping out all weekend in tents and cars to take in all the fun.

The contest setup is an invite only, 2.5 hour jam session. Thanks to Shred Ready, the purse is guaranteed $400 for 1st and $100 for second; but depending on what other sponsors get involved, additional swag and prize money may be added. The shred setup is a pool approximately 30 feet from the river… you’ll have two rail options to the water (land gap the whole way): a flat to down rail and a flat to banked “C” rail. The Wakefactory kicker will be anchored in the river as well. We’ll be pullin with a PWC to speed things up; so you’ll come out of the pool/land gap into the river, make a U-Turn, hit the kicker and then get slung back into shore… then the next rider hits. We’ll be able to session the spot as long as we want, but the contest will just be 2.5 hours in the afternoon.

We’re pretty stoked on the event and hope everybody comes out to party and watch some rail shred!